Support Our Local Veterans Memorials

Central Valley Homeless Veterans Assistance Program

The Veterans Memorial Maintenance Committee maintains a dedicated Memorial Fund account for the sole purpose of funding the ongoing maintenance and repair of the Yuba and Sutter County veteran memorial sites.
Why Donate to Us?
To make comments regarding the Veteran Memorial sites, Call (530) 749-1036
The local Veterans Memorial Maintenance Committee is supported by and overseen by the Yuba-Sutter Standown Committee. It is the committee's responsibility to make sure the Veterans Memorial sites in both Yuba City and Marysville are properly cleaned and maintained, on behalf of our community, out of respect for the veterans and to provide a welcoming place for everyone to come to remember and honor them.
The Yuba-Sutter Stand Down organization, Memorial Maintenance Committee oversees volunteers who are providing the routine care of the local memorial sites. We have the people, but the ongoing maintenance requires ongoing donations.
Sutter County
Yuba County
Thank You for Your Support